SEPTEMBER BLUES: Season four: Igbo Political class and realities of today


By Elliot Ugochukwu-Uko

Many members of the Igbo political class are yet to come to terms with the new reality: That the format that sustained their relevance, over the years, has suddenly become obsolete, with the huge awareness and consciousness amongst the younger generation Ndigbo.

They simply have to reset, not refresh nor reboot their operating app, but total resetting. The tragedy is, many of them, are still unaware that times have changed so drastically, that the old format has become incompatible and therefore inoperative with the present situation.

Many are still living in the past.

It used to be, first make the big bucks by any means, then get introduced to General Hassan, Brigadier Ali, or Alhaji Aliyu. Hustle up to IBB, OBJ, and other former heads of state, pledge loyalty to all the influential leaders from other parts of the country, seek friendship with the DGs of all the Security and Intelligence agencies, get to know the IG, service chiefs and some Northern traditional rulers and you are good to go. They are the owners of Nigeria, your duty is to cosy up to them and become their favourite Igbo politician.

Next, you bribe your way up the party ladder, seek the approval and support of the important political leaders, and that’s it.

The masses are completely unimportant in the equation, the youths are only good enough to be used as party thugs. The interested women will be coopted as cheers leaders. And the game is set.

As long as the powerful party leaders are in your pocket, you bulldoze your way through the primaries and the election proper, and boom, you have emerged as one of the eternal leaders of Ndigbo.

The real desires of the Igbo civil servants, traders, students, farmers, businessmen, artisans and the general public are unimportant in the equation. They are forced by circumstances, to become permanent onlookers and spectators, except for those amongst them, who choose to become “otinkpu”, in order to survive. Those ones become active members of political structures of Chief A, B,Or C., just to feed their children.

And the beat goes on.

For instance, between 1999 to 2015, for sixteen years, a green coloured building in Wuse called WADATA HOUSE, decided on Igbo Senators, Representatives and Igbo Governors.

Strange but true.

Men and women of integrity would campaign all over the communities, present their agenda for seeking political office to the public, involve their professional colleagues, clerics, traditional rulers, organisations and opinion leaders. They will earn and win the support of the people, but suddenly, WADATA HOUSE, will send a few party men from Abuja, to supervise another renegade primary in another hotel somewhere. At the end of the day, the secret primaries held by the favourite of WADATA HOUSE will be accepted and approved, while the authentic primary is cancelled.

WADATA HOUSE has just picked your Senator for you. You have no choice and you have no stake in the matter.

Judges at the election petition tribunals, also decide your leaders for you. The people’s choice or decision doesn’t matter at all. And you can’t do anything about that.

Over time, a vicious predatory political class emerged over our people. All they had to do was master the game and they emerged as leaders, period. Amongst them, the good, the bad and the ugly.

The leadership recruitment process, allows compradors and carpet baggers to manipulate their friendship and loyalty to certain external forces, and parade as pretenders.


These politicians who are always too willing to trade away collective group interest, for self-advancement, by far outnumber the ones amongst them, with a conscience. And that is the stark reality of why millions of ordinary people dream of freedom from the horrific condition we all are in.

The big boys actually see nothing wrong with the game they have been playing since 1999 with the future and destiny of the people.
They trust and depend fully on their reliable format that hasn’t failed them yet.

The belief that power resides in a political region, up North and to be accepted and approved by the owners of Nigeria, remains the key to political relevance down here. All you have to do is remain compliant to the unwritten and undiscussed wishes of the master.

Maybe fool your people that you truly care for them by glibly mouthing all the things you know they’d like to hear, and of course do “sarka” once in a while, giving out grinding machines, motorbikes, Keke Napeps, sewing machines etc.

Look no further wondering why the agitation overwhelmed them. They didn’t know how to handle it. Don’t blame them. It was beyond their scope.

The Igbo question isn’t something they are interested in. Resolving it, won’t profit him personally.

He hardly thinks about it. His worry is just to remain relevant in the system and maybe move up the ladder.

Risking his political career articulating a lasting solution to the Igbo question is unattractive to him. Moreover, he will be offending the owners of Nigeria, who he is eternally afraid could mark him out and that’s it.

Next time you are wondering why the masses of my region, including those who do not fully agree with the modus operandi of the agitators, are all sitting at home every Monday, know it that they are sending a message to the political class.


Until the region’s political leaders realize what time it is, that it is time to act urgently by driving the reconstruction of the polity and enthroning without delay, true federalism and devolution of power, they may still remain in their separate world far away from the people they claim to lead.

There’s only one way to reconnect to the people: Find out where it hurts them and address it.

The people are enlightened enough to know that times have changed. The old format of ignoring their issues and achieving relevance by licking the boots of external power brokers have long expired.

The obstinate ones will discover rather shockingly that times have truly changed. The people are awake and they are angry.