Revelations In November, Season Four: The Task Before Soludo


Elliot Ugochukwu-Uko

26 Many commentators have said sweet, encouraging and inspiring things over Prof Soludo’s landslide victory in the just concluded Anambra gubernatorial election. Conspicuosly missing though, is strengthening, encouraging or soothing words on the inevitable coming negotiations for the future of Nigeria.

Redefining the structure of the country by any means, reconstruction of the polity somehow and whittling the powers of the centre is actually fait accompli, if Nigeria is to make any kind of meaningful progress on any front.

That constant fear drive the political class and the entire elite club of my region from publicly mentioning or discussing the inevitable reconstruction of the unhealthy and unhelpful unitary structure, for fear of offending the all powerful owners of Naija, and being marked, doesn’t and won’t alter the reality on ground now.

Nobody can perform any magic under this prevailing suffocating and frustrating unitary structure. Not even Soludo.

Moreover anyone who wishes to find closure and resolution to the ongoing agitation, while still hoping to sustain the current unitary structure that inspired the agitation in the first place, is actually being untruthful and mischievous.

This untidy state of affairs, have subsisted because of the compliant disposition of regional leaders, made possible by the dream of Vice Presidential aspirations and the prevailing code of silence. Events have pushed the boundaries.

27 The political challenges facing Igboland, is simply three fold. One, war of attrition, policy of exclusion, denying them deserving promotions and the age-old reluctance to grant Ndigbo justice by treating them right, giving them their dues and rights, instead of the the decades-old strategy of going round the real issues, deliberately avoiding doing the right things, whilst pretending nobody knows the truth behind the problems.

Two, intimidating, silencing and pocketing their leaders, for decades, setting unproductive agenda for them, manipulating their leadership selection process and actually imposing leaders on them. Leaders whose loyalty lies elsewhere.

Thirdly, scorched earth policy of denying the region infrastructural development, railways, sea port, international Airport, good roads, sufficient and effective power supply, enabling environment for industrialisation and equal treatment of her citizens.

These deliberate denial, probably out of envy and fear of Igbo resurgence, turned the region to a barren zone, driving away her citizens in droves to other regions and even to foreign lands, growing violent crimes and other vices, as able bodied idle young folks, find kidnapping other crimes, inviting. No need here, to mention how these man-made frustrations, grows the agitation.

28 Prof Soludo, I believe, understands the dynamics at play, the timing, the role expected of him, the sacrifices made by others and the huge task ahead. He should. He also knows that Naija is unwittingly holding herself down by holding Ndigbo down. He knows about the booby traps, the banana peel, the subtle threats and blackmail of the owners of Naija, who prefers the sustainance of the unwieldy and unworkable status quo. He knows what time it is and what’s gwan. He does not need any schooling. As of a truth, pulling Anambra up by it’s boots straps and positively reengineering her economic fortunes, is a lighter duty for Soludo. It’s his forte by training and calling.

The greater challenge before him, is inspiring his fellow regional Governors, and other leaders of the zone in pursuit of meaningful resolution of and closure to the struggle by the younger generation of the region, for assurance that their own children will not be made to face the same humiliation Naija subjected them to. This is where Soludo’s uncanny gifts, talents and endowment, will write his name in gold, that is, if he doesn’t flounder, misstep or allow greed for central power, make him fall for direct and tempting offers for personal greater glory that may make him sacrifice group interest for individual glory.

There’s no greater glory than building up Igboland, saving Nigeria and quieting the raging inferno in the land, by bringing dynamic leadership to the table. Moreover, the centre will certainly beckon, if he succeeds in his region.

29 The self-evident truth that the whole country will continue to get poorer, weaker and more restive under the choking 1999 constitution, demands sober introspection from discerning citizens. With the ever growing population, frightening numbers of unemployed, lack of food sufficiency, grinding poverty, rising inflation, grinding poverty, pervasive hunger, uncontrolled insurgency, banditry, weak economy and agitations all over the land, delay in getting to the root of the malaise ravaging the land, will be plainly suicidal.

Those who reject a round table conclave and prefer blind continual of the status quo, are clearly enemies of the land. It is over-ripe to come together, sit down identigu the issues responsible for our misery and seek a way out of the unflattering situation the country is in. All the states are heavily indebted both to internal and external creditors.

The books of the central Government, isn’t looking good either. Our GDP, income per capita and our currency exchange rate to other currencies are all unsalutary and uninspiring. Direct foreign investment has dried up. Hopes of growing tourism, also evaporated, no thanks to embarrassing insecurity tearing the country apart.

The three Southern regions, building synergy with the Middle Belt region, to save the land through a constitutional conference, has become inevitable. Piecemeal amendment of the constitution by the National Assembly, will not heal the land. Leadership that looks into the future, is needed now. That is the task before Soludo.

30 Quantum and giant leaps that spectacularly transform nations, do not come easy. They are usually a result of deliberate, delicate and visionary sacrifices of great men and women, whom circumstances chose to make history. Nigeria is at crossroads. Professor Soludo will 14 months older in office than the incoming Governors of Abia, Ebonyi and Enugu, who will take office in May 2023.

The template he presents and how he is able to influence and carry along the elders and leaders of the region in the coming months, will define the fate of the region moving ahead. You may conclude I am setting agenda for Soludo, no I am not. You may also think I am expecting too much from him. Not exactly. I am certainly not alone. There are very many citizens, who share similar expectations, because everyone knows, the country is drifting.

Moreover, not every citizen is mindlessly concerned only with pecuniary pursuit and accommodation within the system, without giving a hoot about the precarious situation in the land and thoughtfully articulated a sensible way out. Not everyone is blindly preoccupied with hustling for jobs and patronage without caring about the very survival of the country. Not everyone is blind to the unpalatable fact that the country cannot move forward under this present unitary structure, responsible for over 70% of our sorrows.

Citizens are aware that addressing the issues from the root, remain the only way to lasting peace, tranquillity and harmony. Pretending that the real issues arising from the unitary structure can be shoved under the carpet, whilst Governors will be expected to perform wonders from monthly allocation that is swallowed by a huge wage bill, is unrealistic.

Powers must be devolved to the federating units and the federating units must have access to more funds before the country can thrive and grow.

31 Six years ago, Soludo invited me to his Enugu residence for a meeting with him. He flew in from Kinshasa. Nnamdi was picked up from a Lagos hotel. The entire East was quaking as his followers demonstrated on the streets of major towns and cities, calling for his release. Soludo listened patiently, as I shared with him all I know about the origin, the mode,the inspiration, the grievances and the likely direction of the agitation. I shared with him my experiences as I organised IYM seminars for Igbo youths in the 80s and 90s. How the younger generation Ndigbo of certain status and certain categories, believed that their salvation lay in a totally different nation, regardless of whether they can define the boundaries of the new nation or not. How they believed they will never get justice in Nigeria as presently structured. How they will willingly follow anyone they perceive could be serious enough to help them escape the hostility of Naija as presently constituted, and how they are scared of handing over the second class status they are suffering to their own children.

I told what Dim Odimegwu Ojukwu, R B K Okafor, M C K Ajuluchukwu, C C Onoh and a host of leaders, I shared my discovery with told me. I also told him how I was sure that the agitation would grow bigger, unless leaders stepped in to engage aggrieved youngsters and collate their grievances. He was surprised at some of my REVELATIONS and thanked me.

Months later, he gave a historic speech at a book launch, led a delegation to Kuje prison to talk with Nnamdi and called me three and half years ago, inviting me to the summit at Awka, where he again advocated restructuring the polity. I declined his invitation, but thanked him for showing the light. This is why I strongly believe he knows why God brought him at a time like this. He should know the task before him.