Igbo youth leaders demand end to killing of Igbos, recommend 30th May as public holiday

Igbo youth leaders demand end to killing of Igbos, recommend 30th May as public holiday

Igbo youth from the South East have expressed concern over the security situation in Nigeria, particularly the South East which has been characterized by the senseless killings of innocent citizens, destruction of public and private property over the past few weeks.

They have, however, urged all the aggressive parties to sheath their swords and give chance to dialogue.

The youths made the call in Awka while briefing the pressmen.

Mazi Chukwuma Okpalaezeukwu, the leader of the South-East Youth StakeHolders forum, reiterated the commitment of the people of the South-East to peace, stability and development of the region and Igbo land in general.

The youth leaders recommended that the governments recognize May 30th as a national day for healing and consolation in honour of millions who died in the Biafran genocide.

Also of concern to the youths was what they termed “gross injustice meted against citizens who have been in detention in Onitsha and Akwa correctional centres for twelve years without justice”.

They advise the citizens to mourn the memory of those who lost their lives during the genocide in a peaceful manner and equally urged the security agencies to desist from any form of high-handedness or intimidation of any citizen to ensure the security of lives and property during this period.

The group called on the federal government and the governors of South-East to liaise with relevant stakeholders, and more importantly the aggrieved parties to arrest the situation in the region before it escalates beyond control.

Read the statement in full

Press Statement By The Southeast Igbo Youth Stakeholders’.

1. We are concerned about the Security Situations in Nigeria, especially as it concerns the SouthEast, ranging from the attacks on the Security Agencies, the unjust killing of innocent citizens, and destruction of public property.

In strong terms, we Condemn all these acts of violence and sue for Peace and Peaceful Co-existence. We, therefore, urge all aggressive parties to sheet their swords and give chance to dialogue.

2. We cannot continue to turn deaf ears to the voices of the oppressed, neither do we hope to remain mute in the face of Injustice.

On this note, we reaffirm our resolve and commitment to Peace, Stability and Development in South East, Igbo Land and Africa in general.

3. Today 30th May 2021, marks two great dates;
a) A day that millions were slaughtered for their fundamental rights to freedom. We Remember, We mourn and never forget. We urge all Biafrans to observe this day with a deep sense of Ozoemezina- Never Again.

b) A deadline to the ultimatum issued by BNG, concerning the matter involving persons unjustly kept in detention for About twelve (12) years without Justice. Indeed we cannot continue to shy away from these facts, neither shall we continue to keep mute while things fall apart.

It is now time to take responsibility, irrespective of ethnic Sentiments, to address these issues bedevilling us as a People and a Nation.

Like the Igbo Leader advised, Governments must learn a lesson from History by not fighting an unwinnable war against Nationalism, but possibly seek healthy options that assure National Unity and Peaceful co-existence.

Governments must also visibly and clearly embrace the values of Justice and Fairness in a true sense for Peace, Unity and Development.

On these notes, we, therefore, recommend as follows:

i) That the Governments should as a matter of Fairness and Nationalism, recognize May 30th as a National day for Healing and Consolation in honour of the Millions of People that died for their fundamental rights to freedom.

ii) Justice delayed is not denied. We urge the appropriate quarters too, as a matter of urgency, to grant attention and consider the gross injustice meted against citizens who have been detained in Onitsha and Awka Correctional Centres for twelve (12) solid years without Justice.

4. This is, indeed, a great challenging moment for us in Nigeria, especially in the SouthEast, but by God’s grace, we shall overcome and prevail.

5. As we mourn and honour the millions of people who died so that we may live, we admonish ourselves to do it peacefully without any form of provocation to the Security Agencies.

On the other hand, we emphatically urge the security agencies to desist from any form of high-handedness and/or intimation of any Citizen. This is to ensure the Security of Lives and Property during these trying times.

6. We commend and totally support the Human Rights Activists and Lawyers, who have shown concern and commitment to the gross human rights abuse and Injustice meted against the 18 Detainees, and have also volunteered to take over this matter as soon as the Judiciary resume from industrial action.

We, therefore, ask the aggrieved to sheet their swords and grant us the benefit of the doubt.

7. We respectfully challenge the Federal Government and the Governors, especially the South-East Governors to liaise with relevant Stakeholders, more importantly, the aggrieved and the Youths, to address and arrest the unrest in the Country and regions respectively. We pray that God in His infinite Mercies shall guide all of us through these trying times, and we also hope that there shall be no casualties.

We Move, Together Together.

Thank You.