Groups urge tougher approach against humanity trafficking, abuse


A social advocacy group, Action Against Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants in Nigeria, A-TIPSOM, in collaboration with the Network Against Child Trafficking Abuse and Labour, NACTAL, Anambra State, have called for intensified fight against all forms of human trafficking and abuse.

The groups made the call at a-three-day sensitization campaign on human trafficking and smuggling of migrants, held in Awka.

In an address, the National President of NACTAL, Mr Abdulganiyu Abubakar, represented by Mrs Lilian Ezenwa, said that trafficking is a crime against humanity, with a major root cause linked to poverty, hardship and unemployment.

Mr Abubakar who emphasized the need to always follow the right immigration procedures, said that the stakeholders forum was to rub minds together on ways of combating the negative trend, beginning from Anambra State.

In a welcome speech, the Anambra State Coordinator of NACTAL, Mrs Eucharia Onyemaobi said that despite the constant fight against the crime, perpetrators have continued to strive by changing their mode of operations.

She noted that in order to end the menace permanently, it is necessary to kick start from the community level so as to dismantle the foundation of the criminal enterprise.

On her part, the Anambra State Commander of National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Person, NAPTIP, Mrs Judith Ibadi who lamented the high rate of human trafficking and abuse in the State, noted that one of the necessary measures to prevent the menace is stiffer punishment for offenders.

Others who spoke at the event include Mr Ifeanyi Okonkwo representing Nigeria Immigration Services, Comrade Stella Igboka, Vice President, Nigeria Association of Women Journalist, NAWOJ, DSC Stephen Okoye representing Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps, NSCDC, amongst others