Soludo, Uche Onyeagocha and the Igbo Patriots


Beside the irrepressible elder statesman, Chief Mbazulike Amaechi, the other two prominent Igbo men , who have been very consistent and at the forefront of demanding for the unconditional release of ONYENDU, MNK, are Hon Uche Onyeagucha and Governor Chukwuma Soludo ( Charlie Nwa Mgbafor)

Any honest Igbo man , who have followed these great men , will acknowledge without any shades of doubt that unlike other political bandits of Igbo extraction , these men are full blooded Igbo men, who love Ndi Igbo and are working tenaciously to achieve the renaissance of the Igbo heartland.

Over 95% of Ndi Igbo , beside the greedy political bandits and their minions are happy and proud of the emergence of Prof Soludo as the Governor of Anambra state. We all support and pray that he succeeds and pave the way for the emergence of other honest , pragmatic,development minded and sincere Igbo men in the commanding heights of politics and political offices in Igbo land and beyond.

For most honest and sincere Igbo men, the IPOB struggle represents the average quest of Ndi Igbo in Nigeria. IPOB truly speaks the mind of the average Igbo man . We may not all agree on their approach, but the message and reasons behind the struggle are just and unimpeachable.

There is nothing that Onyendu , MNK stated that will happen in Nigeria under bubu in 2014 , that have not happened and more . There is no honest Nigerian , that will not acknowledge the truth that the average Igbo man has been marginalised and denied their right of place in Nigeria .

It is the height of compound foolishness for anyone or group of people to assume that they can hold the Igbo nation of more than 50million people down and have peace and progress . No way !!!.

It may not be politically expedient and convenient now for Prof Charles Chukwuma Soludo to come out swinging on all cylinders on the Igbo question in Nigeria ,but if I am close to him , I will advise him to find back and front door Channels to reach out robustly to MNK, the IPOB leadership and even the hard hitting Ekpa Simon , to dialogue and find a way of bringing peace to Ala Igbo .

We need peace and tranquility in Anambra state and Igbo land to make progress .

The average Igbo youth have been greatly wronged and massacred by the agent of the Nigerian state since 2014 to now . We must start by acknowledging the truth that Nigeria and her agents committed crimes and genocide against umu Igbo and IPOB . And beg them to forgive . You cannot wrong a man, be arrogant and intransigent in your evil and expect peace to reign.

This open acknowledgment and plea for forgiveness by the Igbo intelligentsia and progressive political leadership , led by Prof Soludo will go a long way in assuaging their anger and wrath .

I am happy that Prof Soludo has called for a town hall meeting for us to discuss the way forward for peace to reign in Anambra, and Igbo land . But beyond this public meetings, backdoor and front door channels must be established to court and make peace with our youths , who have been totally wronged . We need to build trust . We need to convince them that we are committed to the course/cause of freedom and self determination and pursuit of the unconditional release of MNK.

Personally, I am convinced that Nigeria as presently structured is not redeemable. I am also convinced that a majority of the current political office holders and gladiators are not ready , willing and able to stand for what is right and just . They are mainly after what they will steal , loot and destroy.

I also want to use this medium to appeal to the leadership of IPOB and Mazi Simon Ekpa Group to call off the sit at home order in Ala Igbo and partner with Honest and sincere Ndi Igbo, like Prof Soludo to push for the release of Onye Ndu MNK. QUEST for Self determination is not a sin . We need to protect our people and industry..we need to create the atmosphere for peace in Ala Igbo . We should never lend ourselves to pronouncements and actions that the enemies of Ndi Igbo and 5th Columnists can leverage upon to create Havoc in Ala Igbo

Onye Ndi Iro gbara gburu gburu na eche ndu ya nche. I truly come in peace.

God help us

Dr Nnaemeka Onyeka Obiaraeri, FICA