Release Nnamdi Kanu to us – South East Traditional Rulers tell Buhari


The South East Council of Traditional Rulers, on Tuesday, urged President Muhammadu Buhari to release the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, into the hands of the Igbo traditional and religious leaders.

The traditional rulers also called on Buhari to show sagacity, pragmatism, statesmanship and fatherliness by causing the de-proscription as a terrorist organization.

In a statement issued on Monday and signed by H.M Eze Joseph N. Nwabeke, the Chairman, Abia State Tradtional Rulers Council, H.M. Obi Nnaemeka Achebe, CFR, the Chairman, Anambra State Traditional Rulers Council, H.M Igwe Amb. L.O.C. Agubuzu, OON, the Chairman, Enugu State Traditional Rulers Council and H.M. Eze Dr. E.C. Okeke, the Chairman Imo State Traditional Rulers Council, the monarchs also want Buhari to de-escalate the military presence in the South East Zone as normalcy returns.

According to the statement, “his Excellency, President Muhammadu Buhari, GCFR, to show sagacity, pragmatism, statesmanship and fatherliness by causing the IPOB to be de-proscribed as a terrorist organization.

“Mazi Nnamdi Kanu to be released from detention into the hands of the Igbo traditional and religious leaders.

“Mr. President should also de-escalate the military presence in the South East Zone as normalcy returns.”