Perfect exercise for your home routine


Okenyi Prince

Aerobic exercises are little workouts that will get your heart pumping within your target heart rate. They are cardiovascular exercises. As you perform cardio routines, you are moving your arms and legs with a rhythmic and systemic movement that allows your body to pump blood and oxygen to all parts of your body. This strengthens your heart, burns calories and burns fat faster than you can think.

Different types of aerobic exercise you can do at home include:

*Walking: Walking is a great cardiovascular workout. Your walk can be brisk and energized)




*Dancing .

So by adding just 30 minutes of aerobics 3 to 4 times a week to your life, you can help minimize medical risks and diseases such as;
*Type 2 Diabetes
*Heart Disease
*High Cholesterol
*High Blood Pressure.

Why aerobics can help you to:
*Reducing risk of obesity
*Improved immune system
*Improved circulation
*Increased Stamina
*Improved Alertness
*Strengthen Heart Muscle
*More Energy

So as you can see, Aerobics does not only help burn calories and fat, which in turn helps you lose weight, but it can reduce and minimize risks to so many medical conditions as I mentioned above.

Anaerobics go beyond just strength training. With a high intense workout, your body begins to switch from using oxygen to using up your carbohydrates.

Aerobic exercises are one of the best ways to get a wonderful day started. With a aerobics or cardio workout, not only are you getting the medical benefits of reducing risks of certain diseases, you will be burning calories and fat.

Don’t forget that low to medium impact cardio workouts burn approximately 60% of fat of the total calories burned during exercise so to live a healthy lifestyle you have to exercise 30 to 45mins 4 times daily.

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