Hisbah threatens to arrest parents of 44th Miss Nigeria


Islamic Police in Kano State, the Hibah says parents of Shatu Garko, winner of the 44th edition of Miss Nigeria may be arrested and interrogated for allowing their daughter to participate in the beauty pageant for 2021.

They described it as “illegal” and contrary to Islamic beliefs.

The 18-year-old Ms Garko, from Kano, recently emerged as the 44th Miss Nigeria, the first hijab adorning Muslims to win the beauty pageant.

Reacting to Miss Garko’s victory in the beauty pageant in an interview with BBC Pidgin, Hisbah commander Haruna Ibn Sina said participating in a pageant is “forbidden” for Muslims from Kano, a northern Nigerian state with strict Sharia practices.

Mr Ibn Sina said they had confirmed that Ms Garko’s parents are living in Kano and will soon be brought into custody and interrogated for the role their daughter played in the beauty contest, the BBC Pidgin reported on Wednesday morning.

Though Miss Garko participated in the pageant adorning her hijab, the Hisbah commander further condemned the exercise as a whole, saying it was against Quranic instruction.