Clamor for self-determination pose serious threats to Nigeria’s existence – Ihejirika

Ex-Army Chief, Ihejirika joins APC

Lt Gen. Azubuike Ihejirika (retd.), former Chief of Army Staff says the clamor for self-determination in different parts of the country pose a threat to Nigeria’s existence if they are not addressed with urgency.

Speaking at the Interfaith Roundtable on Building a Culture of Peace and Unity in Nigeria organized by the Methodist Church in Abuja over the weekend, he said, “The security situation and spate of security challenges in the country should give any reasonable and patriotic Nigerian a sense of worry and concern. More worrisome is the occasional clamor for self-determination by a few individuals within some ethnic groups in the country. There is no doubt that the current situation is not the best. It poses a serious threat to our unity and corporate existence as a nation.”

Punch reports that the ex-COAS, however, called on community elders and religious leaders to preach peace in all ways possible while encouraging Nigerians to shun distrust and see differences as a source of strength for the country.

“As elders, community and religious leaders, we can contribute to the efforts of government by helping to shape the opinion and reasoning of the people, especially our youths towards peace and unity in the country. We must, through our words and actions, preach peace, love compassion and unity.

“Our differences should not be a source of division and distrust, but a source of unity, strength and tolerance to engender national building. I wish to call on all patriotic and peace-loving Nigerians to raise their voices and show concern in the various communities to support any initiative that could foster peace and stability in our nation,” he added.