Awo-Mmamma massacre: Law and order not synonymous with jungle justice – Owerri Archbishop


Very Reverend Lucius Ugorii, the Metropolitan Archbishop of Owerri Catholic Diocese has condemned the gruesome murder of some youths at Awomama in Imo State a few days ago.

The Archbishop said the murder should not be swept under the carpet.

He said that since the incident, there have been various narratives about who carried out this dastardly and abominable act, and why.

In a statement on Friday, Archbishop Ugorji noted that: “While some members of the public blame government and her security outfit EbubeAgu for murdering unarmed and defenceless young men coming back from a wedding, the DSS Director, on the other hand, confirmed that his men carried out an operation in a camp. where those he described as ‘bandits’ were killed, as a means of ensuring public security.

“Our aim is not to delve into this web of contradictory narratives, but to unequivocally condemn this mindless blood-letting, and similar senseless killings, which have bedevilled Igbo society, especially Imo State in recent times. Our soil has been defiled by the abominable shedding of innocent blood. We are becoming a society that has no regard for the sanctity of human life and are ready to waste human life at the least provocation. How many ofour youths have been cut down in their prime?

“No society can flourish or survive when her future leaders and productive sector of the population are mercilessly mowed down for mere suspicion. Like Abel’s blood (Gen 4:10), the blood of many slaughtered youths in our land is crying to high heaven. Similarly, like the lamentations of Rachel at Ramah (Gen 30:1), the lamentations of mothers, who have lost their beloved ones at Awomama, are inconsolable.

“Law and Order are not synonymous with jungle justice. While no one should condone any form of banditry or lawlessness from any quarters, yet jungle justice and extra judicial killings cannot be a solution to the challenges of law and order. Let us reiterate here that we condemn all killings fiom all quarters, whether private or public, whether by overzealous, trigger-happy security men or by paramilitary or cults groups. As moral agents, no one should clearly aim at taking away human life no matter the circumstances.

“The Awomama massacre should not be swept under the carpet. That slaughter, no matter the reasons, is barbaric, offensive, and totally unacceptable. Enough is enough! We, therefore, call on government to under lake a thorough and transparent investigation in order to unearth the perpetrators of the heinous crime and bring them to book. For public accountability in this matter is the only way to assuage public anger on the merciless killing and stop dangerous rumours.

“May God grant eternal life to the deceased and consolation to the bereaved!