August Message, Season nine: the role Igbo political elites must play in the agitation


Elliott Ugochukwu-Uko

For more than two decades, since Ralph raised the Biafran flag in Aba in May 2000, Igbo leaders remain confused on what to do with the agitators.

Anytime you try to prod them to stand up and be counted, as neither Kanuri nor Yoruba leaders would come down here to resolve our issues for us, they resort to “Elliot, these boys don’t have respect for anyone, they abuse everybody and claim they know everything, they won’t reason with anybody. They claim they know it all. Once you have any contrary view, they insult you to no end, call you efulefu, sabo, otellectual, etc, how can anybody reason with them “.

I hear this all the time, and here’s my response: It is impossible to resolve the agitation either way, without our leaders showing leadership, by driving the process. Continuously avoiding the needful, because the agitators are disrespectful only widens the gap of communication delays evolving the necessary synergy that can cross fertilise ideas and frustrates resolution of the crisis. Nobody will come from outside and resolve this for us.

There should be blame on all sides. The elders and leaders should face reality, they are not innocent, holy, righteous leaders they will want the world to believe they are. Certain things they did as they struggled to escape poverty and raise their children contributed to the morass we are all in today.
Their actions and inactions of yesteryears brought this upon the land, therefore silence or running away from reality, cannot help now.

Moreover, the angry youngsters also disagree with me sometimes and believe they have all the answers. I have not given up on seeking peace because of that, for I know that tolerance and endurance must prevail, if a solution will be found.

Before I decided to quit my radio awareness programmes several years ago, they used to call in to my programme to disagree with me on air. I don’t feel bad because of that and I didn’t give up.

They angrily and forcefully push their views, stating on air “Oga Elliot sir, we respect you o, but this your restructuring is no longer acceptable to us o, for us it’s Biafra or death o”.

I did not turn my back because of stuff like that.

The political class, out of envy, blackmailed me serially, turned the security on me, and even try to set me up all the time. Yet, I take all stoically and with equanimity.

Running away from and shunning the agitators because they disrespect you, certainly cannot resolve the crisis.
Turning your back on them doesn’t make sense either, because they have shown they are capable of running their show without anybody.

Visiting Nnamdi now and working closely with them, will engender confidence building and at least offer a meeting point that would begin the healing of the land.

There’s no wisdom whatsoever in announcing a team that will monitor the trial and stopping there. Ndigbo should move a step further, by visiting Nnamdi now, engaging him, preparatory to initiating a far reaching dialogue with the central government on the way forward.

I don’t allow the temperament, tone and language of the agitators bother me. I focus rather on the facts of the matter.

I humbly advise all liberal, moderate and conservative Ndigbo, to look beyond agreement or disagreement with the methods, style or strategy of the agitators, but to rather concentrate on the truth, which is :

Our land is divided, our land is under siege, we are yet to build consensus, because of the huge gulf separating the angry youths and the political class.
Our region needs attention, and commitment. That won’t happen with the present lack of trust between the masses and the leaders.

The current situation actually presents a good opportunity to correct the mistakes of the past and begin the process of reconciliation.

Here’s another reason why it just doesn’t make sense, remaining angry with the youngsters, just because you disapprove of their methods;

All through history, fresh initiates or converts to any movement, fraternity, religion or even denomination, are usually the most excited and most passionate members of the group or organisation. They vibrate with energy and try to show their commitment and try to outdo everyone. It’s normal.
I tell you this, and you should know that it’s true.

Majority of the agitators you see today, were converted less than ten years ago. Some as recent as just five years ago. Others, even joined just a few years ago.

Many of them think the world began when they were woken up. They see the whole thing from the day they were converted. Life’s like that.

Some were just toddlers when Ralph began agitation for Biafra 22 years ago.

Some think the agitation began six years ago when President Buhari arrested Nnamdi at a hotel in Lagos. Many even enlisted after Nnamdi survived the attack on his home four years ago. Many of them do not know how the agitation arrived overseas later and enlisted more members.

So many have no idea who and what inspired Ralph to start the agitation in 1999. Vast majority don’t know of Jude who began the agitation in the 1980s. They have never heard of Obinna who formed a Biafran group in the 1990s. They don’t know that Ralph was only the first to involve the media unlike the others before him.

Ninety percent of the agitators today, don’t know any of the earliest volunteers Ralph gathered at 22 Ajidedidun street Agulejika, when he launched the agitation 22 years ago.
For them, the agitation began when they were woken up.

They may not believe that fresh, new, and more radical leaders of the agitation may yet emerge tomorrow.
They genuinely desire liberty and freedom from oppression and therefore find it difficult to trust others, who don’t share their methods.

They are our brothers and children who we failed.

The system failed them. Disappointed with unitary Nigeria, they find solace in desiring freedom.

They must not be demonized. Calling them miscreants, thugs, trouble makers or terrorists, only deepens the divide. Shunning them and isolating them, only strengthens their resolve. Even the proscription hammer did not degrade the agitation in any way.

Any one who has closely watched the progression of the agitation over the last two decades like I have, will know that the most sensible solution, remain, identifying and addressing the root cause of the agitation, engaging the agitators and early reconstruction of the polity by enthroning true federalism and devolution of power.

Doing away with nepotism, impunity, dichotomy and bad governance.

Our corrupt leaders, through their insensitive and heartless maladministration over the years, were most unfair and unjust to the younger generation. This grave maltreatment and injustice, gave birth to the frustrations that inspired the agitation.

The attempt at crushing the agitation, while pretending that inequality, injustice and inequity does not exist in Nigeria, inspires the anger that fuels the agitation.

Nnamdi, fresh out of Kuje prison, May 2017 assured me in my sitting room, that he will dialogue with Government, if invited. He gave Dr Alex Ekwueme the same assuarance, in my presence when I took him to the former Vice President, a week later. I still believe that dialogue remains the proper way to go.

Dwelling on the methods and style of the agitators and expressing disapproval of their strategy, has not resolved the matter for years now.
Continuing on that unhelpful path, without doing anything to resolve the crisis, will not help us.