Anambra State Government, UNICEF Distribute Farm Crops To 200 Women


Anambra state government, through the Ministry of Women and Children Affairs in conjunction with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), have given food crops of various types to one hundred and sixty women in four villages of Umueze Anam, Anambra West Local Government Area.

The crops given to the women were rice seedlings, potato stems, groundnut, pepper, watermelon seeds, and cucumber.

Handing over the crops to the women, the Anambra state Commissioner for Women and Children Affairs, Mrs Ify Obinabo, said that as a way to keep supporting those affected by the 2022 flood disaster, the State government wrote to UNICEF for support to all those affected by the last year’s deluge. They obliged, hence the distribution of the farm crops and noted that UNICEF equally supports the state government in different ways.

Mrs Obinabo explained that the various support the Anambra state government receives from Development Partners is a result of their trust in the administration of Governor Chukwuma Soludo, which she said is prudent in managing the state’s scarce resources.

According to the Commissioner, they will also visit other communities in Anambra West, and the exercise is designed to cover the seven local government areas that usually experience flooding in the state, and maintained that UNICEF has promised to bring the farm crops earlier next time.

As a means of relaxation after work, Commissioner Obinabo revealed that they built four football goalposts and two volleyball courts, among others, in Umueze Anam for women to catch fun and urged them to ensure the safety of all the gaming facilities.

In their various remarks, Messrs Theresa Anijah-Obi and Uzochukwu Chinwuba appreciated the Anambra state government and UNICEF for remembering them, even as they praised the doggedness of Mrs Obinabo in ensuring that the crops were judiciously distributed.

Distribution of the crops and handing over the sporting kits to the villagers climaxed the event.