Africa needs another Gaddafi before it can develop, says Asari

Only Ijaws, Ogonis are Niger Deltans - Asari Dokubo

Alhaji Dokubo Asari, a former Niger Delta agitator has said Africa will need another Muhammad Gaddafi before it can develop.

Asari said this while fielding questions from documentary experts led by our correspondent at his Kalabari residence.

He said, “Muhammad Gaddafi is the most honest and organised leader I have ever met in this world.

“He (Gaddafi) trained me on military combating and I lived with him for years in Libya and I saw and learnt stringent discipline from him.

“Once Gaddafi says a thing, no matter the weight of the consequences, he will do it. He is a man that says what he means and means what he says.

“And that attribute also made his followers have high confidence in him which led to his successes as a revolutionary Libyan leader.”


The late Gaddafi (1942 –2011) was a Libyan revolutionary politician and political theorist.

He was the de facto leader of Libya from 1969 to 2011.

Gaddafi later enrolled in the Royal Military Academy, Benghazi. Within the military, he founded a revolutionary group which deposed the Western-backed Senussi monarchy of Idris in a 1969 coup.

Having taken power, Gaddafi converted Libya into a republic governed by his Revolutionary Command Council.

He nationalized the oil industry and used the increasing state revenues to reinforce the military, fund foreign revolutionaries, and implement social programs emphasizing house-building, healthcare and education projects.

In 1973, he initiated a “Popular Revolution” with the formation of Basic People’s Congresses, which presented as a system of direct democracy, but retained personal control over major decisions.
